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Promote Your Nonprofit With the Google Ad Grants Program

New Perspective’s Google Ad Grants Initiative

Google Grants Program Benefits Deserving Nonprofits

Here is a modern conundrum.

In the Information Age, we are inundated with information — but we’re highly suspicious and cynical about any opportunities that appear too good to be true. “Have you met my friend, the Nigerian Prince? He really needs your help.” Our hardened attitude extends to the widely held concept that nothing of real value is actually free, even for hard-working, socially responsible nonprofits.

Allow us, for a moment, to elevate and sing the praises of a real program offered by a real, market-leading company that is tailor-made and of tremendously high value for nonprofit groups.

What is the Google Ad Grants Program?

Google’s program, called Google Ad Grants, is an exceptional opportunity for B2B nonprofits. It helps get the word out about the good and important work that they do.

See, we told you it’s not too good to be true!

Through the program, Google grants up to $10,000 per month or $120,000 a year in free advertising. Think about the impact that this kind of exposure could have for you as you look to spread the word about the important work that your organization undertakes.

Since its inception in 2003, more than 115,000 worthy recipients have received ad grants worth over $10 billion in free advertising.

Google Grants Eligibility

Are you eligible to take advantage of the program? Some key points to be aware of:

  • The program and process is non-competitive, which means that your organization isn’t engaged in a death struggle with others to win the grant.
  • There is no deadline for entry, so you can focus on the quality of your submission without concern about a ticking countdown clock.
  • You must have a Google for Nonprofits account set up in advance.
  • Website quality is a determining factor in who gets the grants — which makes sense because the ad money will drive people to your site — so make sure that your site makes the grade before you apply (Not sure whether your site will cut it? Try our free website grader to see how your site performs).
  • Patience is most certainly a virtue in this process. It can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to hear back. so be prepared to hang in there — sometimes good news takes a while to arrive.
  • The program covers text ads only. Display ads or visual banner ads with text with graphics can not be used in this program. But don’t despair: text-based Google Search Ads (done right) can send really high-quality traffic to your website.

Who Cannot Apply to Google Grants Program?

The program is open to most nonprofits with exclusions for companies in the following categories:

  • A government entity or organization
  • A hospital or healthcare organization
  • A school, academic institution, or university

The few exclusions leave a lot of open opportunities for many deserving recipients.

So the only question left is, what are you waiting for?!

For more details on the application process, visit Google’s Get Started page.

If you have any questions about how to submit your application, please feel free to reach out to your friends at New Perspective.

Marko Bodiroza

Written By: Marko Bodiroza

Director of Marketing @ New Perspective | Producer of Green New Perspective Podcast | AI Advocate